Golgo 13 Duke Togo Leg Fix

Yet another import to fix.  This could have ended in disaster with one misplaced dremel, but as you can see, all went well!  I basically started by drilling a hole all the way through peg. I then added an eye screw into the peg and then screwed it into the leg peg.  I...

Play Arts Kai Uncharted Nathan Drake Arm Fix

This fix was definitely a challenge! The client’s Nathan Drake figure’s arm had actually broken at the peg hole in the armpit socket. This is actually the second Play Arts figure I’ve had to fix like this.  I had to be very careful with supergluing...
Spiderman and his Amazing… heads…

Spiderman and his Amazing… heads…

This was a really fun project. Basically, the customer sent me a Spiderman with no neck, 4 heads and two different calves/feet. Sounds fun to me.  He wanted the heads to be interchangeable, so I suggested a magnet. He was happy with that idea.  The photos here speak...

Shocker Toys Jack Staff Prototype Reconstruction

So, this was a definite learning experience. I learned to rebuild individual parts on a figure. I may have even discovered a new curse word in the process. Basically a client came to me with a broken prototype of the Shocker Toys Jack Staff. I told him upfront that...
XMen Boxset Multi-Repairs

XMen Boxset Multi-Repairs

For any of you serious Marvel Legends collectors out there, I’m sure you are well aware of the disappointing whispers floating around about the new Toys ‘R’ Us exclusive All New X-Men boxset.  Some were angry about the Angel’s wings not being...